Monday, 7 March 2016

Starting my thoughts on professional inquiry...

So today I had a lovely talk with Paula about my professional inquiry.. I'm a little late off the starting block... however I've been having a good think about idea's.

After a good few hours of brainstorming I'm now going to start researching theories and practitioners and concepts surrounding my ideas and see where my searches take and lead me towards a professional inquiry to take further and complete module 2!


  1. Hi Victoria,

    What ideas have you come up with for your professional inquiry?? I literally just changed the direction of my inquiry a few days ago after a phone call with Paula, so don't worry I'm in the same boat! I've got a lot of research ahead of me too,

    Good luck!

    Katrina x

  2. Hi Katrina, well at the moment I'm working around the concept of success and how it is reflected in the industry. i am a performer currently maintaining full time employment on top of auditions if and when I can attend yet sometimes I feel that people deem me as unsuccessful because I have a full time job in another route. However maintaing employment has its benefits in many ways in terms of now i know a lot more about business and accounting and how to manage me myself in the musical theatre industry. I think this can be interpreted in success in terms of also whether you still live in london or where about you live in general and if its not in london its deemed that you aren't as in the hub of the industry than if you were here. Obviously this is just one argument and the main argument as to why we do all that we do is because its our art, its our love and we will do anything to make it work.

    Its a very broad topic I understand but i think there are counter arguments such as skills and aspirations and competition along with success i would like to discuss but still very much in the research stages.
    Have you had any thoughts about yours as yet?
    Tory x

  3. Thanks Victoria - good conversation - very real - I once talked t a professional at the Tate and he said he did not work in the arts - but he had a managerial job in the arts - so outside the discipline - but he certainly had to know about the arts. What makes a successful career in the arts or related to the arts? are they different? is it karma or kismet of what when people decide on a career path?
