Tuesday 1 December 2015


After reading reader 2 it has occurred to me how much I already incorporated reflective practice into my day to day routine, being quite blissfully unaware of the benefits it has gained for me. 

Firstly I came across to look at Boud's (1995) theory of "What tools do you need to be engaged in 'turning experience into learning'?". For myself since starting this course I have been keeping a journal documenting my journey on how this course is going for me and skills I am acquiring to use in my daily life but also there are many other tools I have used for a long time through studying at performing arts college to entering the professional world of musical theatre that have helped benefit me in order to turn experience into learning. 

- Dictaphone/ Voice Recording: Whilst I was studying at college and also since I have left the use of recording equipment such as a dictaphone or voice recording which I have on my iPhone is incredibly useful for recording harmonies to practice outside of the rehearsal space but also to record full experts of songs or an expectation required as a final outcome. Through the use of sound; giving myself a clear aim of what I am practicing and working towards I find greatly beneficial towards the development of my art.

- Video recording: whether this be recording myself dancing or singing or choreography in general through rehearsal time it is very important as a performer to be able to watch oneself and be self analytical of one's performance. I personally have always been critical of myself and have recorded myself so I can see where needs improvement but by recording myself I can also see progress from one video to the next and not only does that help improve my skill but also confidence levels which hopefully reflect in my performances. 

Through this use of documenting and recording my experience in the rehearsal room to then be reflected onto a stage space has not only developed me as a performer but from every show I have taken part in it has helped me learn from the experience and be able to gain a successful strategy that I continue to use in my day to day life preparing for performances. 

I find the section in the reader about John Dewney and his opinion on reflective thought incredibly interesting. Being an educationalist he considered education an experimental action and considered the level of engagement and consciousness of the experience from a learning perspective. He defined the process as a "continual reorganisation, reconstruction and transformation of experience" (Dewney 1916) which personally I couldn't agree with more. Being a performer and relating his educational method to theatre; the level of performance from day one in a rehearsal room to a finished product on stage goes through many different cycles of reorganisations and reconstructions of the material from the directing/ choreographing methods to transform the experience of the final product from a a script or a piece of music to the greatest experience in the world for an audience to see. Without the journey the performers initially go through the final result would not be a success without. 

This then follows to the learning cycle created by David Kolb in 1984, who's theory was greatly influenced that ideas of John Dewney. 


This learning cycle identifies that everyone through any stage of learning will go this cycle in the same way but all consequently at different points of the cycle depending on what type of learner you are. We have the concrete experience (the actual doing or experience of the event), we observe others (reflection of the experience), we think about it (work it out in our heads first) and then we actively experiment as we try out the ideas. For me I have never really even considered a cycle to my learning but this all does make a lot of sense. Each and every individual learns in there own way but ultimately whether we're all studying for the same exam or rehearsing for the same show we end up being involved in the same result. For myself I believe I start at the Abstract Conceptualisation stage, I have to think a lot about something before ideas start to flow. It is then once I have worked out what is needed be it the harmony line for example I will then do it, feel it and then finally reflect on it from the recording I will have made to analyse and think about it again. When seen in a diagram it is all very self explanatory and extraordinary how it already related to my life without even noticing. 

Other practitioners such as Garner looked further into the way people learn and identified that people had multiple intelligences and didn't only learn or reflect in one way.  Creating awareness of different intelligences of tools we use to learn. These categorised down to: 

- Spatial
- Verbal- linguistic
- Logical- mathmatical
- Bodily - Kinaesthetic
- Musical
- Interpersonal - understanding people and relationships.
- Intrapersoanal - relates to one's emotional life as a means to understand oneself and others.
- Naturalistic - relates to nature and natural world to find meaning.

Personally, again I have never really evaluated my learning strategies however what I do know is I have always been a lot more physical, verbal and musical within my learning strategies. Even as a child I would record myself singing songs to remember spellings for my English test or a story I had to recite in French. Through constant repetition and sound I found information to enter my head a lot easier. Furthermore, I would always move around whilst processing this information whether that be walking around the block with my dog or coming to choreography through the use of music to remember information or dance moves I had learnt that day. I believe each and every one of us has there own individual way of learning and for me the use of music in my every day life has always been very important. However it would be interesting to see whether I could adapt a new way of learning such as a mathematical or interpersonal approach to learning a script of a song and see whether that does make a difference in the development of my career.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Task 2b: Reflective Writing

When coming to write about documenting my day into a journal as suggested in the reader I tried and tested many of the different ways to document my daily routine ....

Description: When one is told to sit down and write a journal I feel it is a natural instinct to immediately describe the contents of your day so writing as a description of events came very naturally to me in a course of journal entry. Being able to write about what has happened in my day and where and when and what were the main events that occurred. At first I found I was being overly descriptive when reading back on my entries and spending an awful lot of time doing so. However, it was when I discovered further ways of documenting my journal entries I came up with the best strategy for me.

Initial Refection: Naturally I am a very emotive person and a lot of things that happen in my daily life I automatically accompany with a feeling or emotion purely because that's me thats the way I am. If something were to be a main event in my day it is most likely that it has affected me emotionally and hence a reason it has impacted me to write about it so my initial refection to sport events that have occurred during my day is very important to my journal. 

List: Regardless be it journal or not, I make lists every single day. In bed at night I will make a list of my morning routine and what I need to accomplish before work. I will also make to do list of things I need to achieve long and short term. Currently I have countless lists of birthday and Chirstmas present ideas for my entire family as Christmas ever so quickly is approaching. So when I thought about my daily journal, for me writing a list of the main events in my day was incredibly beneficial for me. Yes I was being descriptive in it but just writing down the main essential facts of what I wanted to make note of and this became a very easy way to document my day and took very little time to do so. 

Evaluation: In terms of evaluating my day to day life, I don't really know how beneficial that is to me as a person. I over think every thing in my life anyway so even though I am writing down my main events of the day for me I don't really like to elaborate to much on evaluating it straight away as I know I will get lost in my thoughts and not sleep. I do believe in terms of professional practice that evaluating ones notes is very beneficial though as stated on a previous blog. If you can't evaluate your notes as a performer it is difficult to progress further with ones development of character or thought process behind the piece. So in terms of my career and in performance roles I would make a very clear effort to most definitely evaluate my work however in my day to day personal life I try to keep things simple. 

Graphs, Charts and Diagrams: Using a chart, graph or diagram for the use of a journal could be seen as a very interesting way to document ones day. When I began to think about what I could document on a chart or diagram I found it much easier to document more physical ways of what I'm doing and how time consuming they are rather than my thoughts and emotions. I love to read and even though I am very creative I found it very difficult to maintain such visual ways of maintaining a blog than writing it down so for me this wasn't very successful.

What if?: I'm not a strong believer in What If I'm afraid. Personally I hate thinking about what could of been. I live very much in the day to day life. In my life I have experienced a lot of pain and upset and you really don't know what could happen and how maybe your hopes and dreams could be destroyed. Yes, I have ambition and so many things I would like to achieve and want for my life but I try not to think too far ahead. If I do not only am I afraid I won't achieve it but I'm also afraid my whole life could fall apart so for me I have to think about whats happening on a day to day basis. For mine and my whole families sake.

Another View Point: When looking at this way of writing a journal I thought it would be very interesting maybe imaging my life as my mirror in my bedroom or the hat stand at my work... but for the sake of writing a journal on my life in my career, for me being more successful in writing about my daily activities has been to "keep it simple". And however much writing like this could be incredibly interesting... a more simple view point has proven to be more successful for me. 

Even though more of a descriptive list for me has proven the best way of writing a journal of my day to day life exploring these other ways of documenting has been very interesting and I'm intrigued to know how other people have made these other forms of keeping a journal successful in their day to day lives. 

Thursday 12 November 2015

Back to it...

So I haven't blogged in a little while as I've been pretty poorly after having to have a wisdom tooth removed on top of a chest infection.... its been fun. However I did manage to continue with plans to visit Germany this last weekend as one of my best friends is in the show "Starlight Express" and also "The Bodyguard" and it really was so incredible to watch two of my amazing friends performing on stage. Since I graduated college an incredible amount has happened in my life but non has stopped me wanting to perform and sing and I feel even using this degree and form of networking is inspiring me to challenge myself and gain my confidence back.

Anyhow its back to work ... X

Wednesday 28 October 2015


So to go out there and continue to promote oneself in the professional industry I have decided to make a sound cloud page. All was very simple to set up as it all linked with my google plus account, I'm finding as a adapt on this course I'm gaining a lot more confidence into applying myself into new ways of communicating to the professional world.

Anyway I've attached the link to my Soundcloud page below so please have a listen...

Tory X


Tuesday 27 October 2015

Task 1C... upload a video blog.

So this ones a little behind my others... apologies but heres my first video blog through using youtube.com. It was actually very simple and easy to do. Already having a google account creating a youtube account is done through the process of that. Once I recorded the video I just had to drag it onto the uploads page on my youtube page and then press upload.... couldn't be more simple.

Hope you enjoy it anyway and hopefully will have lots more to post on there soon.


Have a watch!
Tory x

Reader 2... Journal development

As discussed in the reader...
"Reflection is used in and by a number of professions, particularly people whose job is to be involved in a process of change” and i couldn’t agree more. 

In the world of musical theatre and the arts, change occurs every day and reflecting on what occurs within that is vitally important for the development of your field. During my time at college I performed in many shows but it was during the period of my third year musical when I was performing in "Company" that I had to make so many notes on my day to day rehearsal process as my director was constantly striving to achieve better within the show. It was here I was using “Reflection-in-Action”  as introduced by Donald Schon (1987) as stated in reader 2. One day I may perform my scene and he would love the way a specific line was delivered; a week later the initial love of that original delivery may have lapsed and he wanted a further development on that line in a new way. Without the use of taking notes on direction throughout the time rehearsing on that show, it would of been vitally impossible to remember the constant changes my director made until he was 100% satisfied with the final outcome. 

Whether it is taking notes on your day to day life and how you are feeling, whether you need to release all of our emotions and feeling on the phone to a family member or a friend or find a way to write down your thoughts and feelings as this way maybe more cathartic, each and very individual has a way of expressing their emotions and through the use of a journal be it visual or written is incredibly important within the field of development of professional practice. 

Task 2A: Reflective Journal Task

Whilst studying at Italia Conti it was a part of our termly routine to write a journal of how our course was going and also write technique logs designed to make us apply our focus to three subjects within our course and monitor our progress from the start to the end of the term. So this task is more of a refresh from my previous studies continuing now with my present studies in order to develop my professional practice.

With the use of smart phones there are so many programs we can use on a daily basis in order to log our thoughts, whether its making a note of an appointment in our calendars, reminders to alert us in the reminder app on an iPhone or there is a specific section for notes on a iPhone too. 

I travel to work every day on the tube and whilst standing up on a hot sweaty central line every day I do find this time very useful for my own thoughts and how I’m feeling and also think about what I’m going to do with my day and like wise on the way home I reflect with how my day has gone, what has occurred and what I am going to do when I arrive home. So over the past few weeks I have found making the most of these two 20 minute journeys a day very useful in noting down events of my every day life and how I am doing. However, writing on my phone like this can be something discussed in terms of confidentiality. On ones iPhone nowadays notes can be saved on the phone itself, to Gmail and to iCloud and it has been known over the past few years that some of these programmes have been hacked for information. I personally save everything to my phone and to my e-mail as for the likes of iCloud you do have to pay for the extra memory you use to store your data. In terms of using and tracking my journal on an everyday basis I like the fact that it is saved to my phone but just incase it was to be accidentally deleted it is also set up to my Gmail where I can access it and have my own personal choice of publishing it or not. 

However, not only do I think about my journal on the tube I am also one to have a very uneasy sleep pattern lets say… before bed at night if I’m not reading my book or watching television to distract my mind away from thoughts or things I need to do in life I won’t sleep a wink so i also keep a note book to the side of my bed just incase there is any form of notes I need to write down before bed but also during the night so subconsciously in my head because I have wrote it down I know I’m dealing with it and I will deal with it in the morning as sleep is also incredibly vital part of my daily routine. 

Keeping a journal throughout the duration of this course I feel will be very useful to reflect on the journey I have come on from the start to the end of the course and I will also through the use of the journal be able to see the extent of what I have learnt and gained. I know this will also be seen on the blog however there is a limit to the amount you can write on a blog as you may not want to include each and very detail from ones private life. Furthermore keeping notes on my journey like this may also help me when commenting on other blogger's work being able to reference back to things I have covered myself and how I can aid and advise others in the process.

It has been 15 months since I have graduated College now so 15 month's since I have wrote a journal and I am finding the process very helpful so far and hopeful hit will continue to do so.... Stay tuned. 

Thursday 22 October 2015

Task 1b: Professional Communication Technologies....part 2

How can I use Web 2.0 to develop my career??

After reading Reader 1 it really can spark up many conversation topics of how Web 2.0 has evolved and keeps evolving and how it effects us in society every single day.

As stated in my previous blog I have noted how it has evolved for me and how I communicate through the use of web 2.0 on a daily basis with friends but in terms of my profession its something I only really opened my eyes to when I started studying at Italia Conti in 2011.

One thing I have learnt about working in this industry and I hear all the time... "It's not what you know, it's who you know". Now this can be interpreted on many different levels and sometimes I believe people can become false and use this saying to their advantage working and networking their way around professionals to get to where they want to be. For me, I have always been against being false but I believe through the correct use of social media platforms you can meet and talk to people to network yourself correctly and hopefully find a way to help develop ones career.

So I ask myself how through the use of Web 2.0 can I help myself to develop my career in the performing arts?

  • FACEBOOK - when I first became a Facebook user it was all about getting as many friends as possible and posting pictures and seeing how many likes you can get. Now as previously stated yes I do use it to communicate with friends but also to network. There is a section on Facebook called Groups and it is on here where I am a member of many groups such as "The Hustle" and "British Actor's Network". It is on these groups that audition and job vacancies are advertised; where agent's post if they are looking for clients and what are their requirements and furthermore it also is a group where many artists within my field all communicate together, where we can post questions as to which headshot maybe appropriate for a certain audition? Or just a friendly chat and advice to each other about how each others careers are going. It is through groups that allow us through the use of Web 2.0 to work together in this industry and help each other when we really need that extra bit of advice. It's on Facebook that I have created a group chat with a few girls who I studied with at Italia Conti with who are also on this BAPP course, and sometimes knowing that you're not alone and when you just need a spark of inspiration or advice, through the use of social media one can achieve it. 
  • TWITTER - Twitter unlike Facebook is something I have always used in a professional manner. It is where I follow artists and agencies and casting directors and on a daily basis I look to see which casting director is casting which show but also who out of my friends is attending the same auditions as myself. Twitter, because of its brief writing capacity leaves a market for you to be short and sweet and to the point of what you are conveying to your followers. But also it is incredibly easy to link to other sites using Web 2.0 to network oneself further. For example it maybe an agency advertising audition: "Audition's being held tomorrow, please find details on the link to our website" immediately I would click on that link and see all details needed to attend. This links back to a quote in Reader 1 stated by Hamilton (2000) "an increase in participation can contribute to the successful building of relationships and the democratisation of media (Hamilton 2000, p. 371). Web 2.0 advocates that...making participation cheap, easy and quick people are more able to get involved in the processes of collaboration, sharing and interaction." Which I couldn't agree with more. It is through these uses of Web 2.0 that I see clips of songs I wish to record and send out to agencies on a voice reel, and it is all made so simple and easy to understand. However I will say I believe it is only simple and easy now that i am used to it, i am still getting the hang of the programmes in writing a blog and further challenging myself creating a Flickr account but it is through my studying the BAPP arts programme that I want to challenge myself using as many Web 2.0 tools as possible in order to help me develop my career.  
  • To further challenge myself and to continue to improve my CV I am going to create a Linked In page. I always thought of this use of Socail media to be more of a means of connecting with the business world but after reading a few of the blogs of other students on ym course and seeing they have had job offers after uploading their CV's/ biography's onto such sites I have decided to take the plunge and see what impact it has for me. 
Finally, I think it is important to discuss Ethical Considerations of Web 2.0 as even though I have wrote about it in a completely positive light in how I believe it is beneficial to help develop my career it does all depend on how we use it. 

On Facebook my profile is to a private setting, even though I do my best to keep all of my content professional at all times, I do primarily use it as a means of contacts with friends around the world and only on a work basis for the likes of the groups I am a part of as previously stated. However, if anyone were to see any content from my Facebook they would only see my profile picture and cover photo and no content on my page so I make sure that this is appropriate to a professional eye at all times. 

On the contrary my Twitter profile I rarely use to advocate private information in my life and only used as a means of networking myself in the musical theatre industry but after reading a few blogs and how others use their social media one maybe for professional and one completely private for the likes of both Facebook and twitter maybe is something I need to consider. At the time being I do feel I have a good balance on what I do post online and how I am seen to a professional employer if they were to look me up and see what they can find out about me. 

I don't know where my future will take me, I'm currently working full time at Ted Baker alongside auditioning and alongside studying for my BAPP and I hope that through this course I will enable skills that will lead me somewhere very beneficial in the future. I think through reading this article for myself being aware of what I post online I need to make more of an importance and even though it may not be affecting my career now it may impact a job opportunity in the future so it is something I am going to take on board. However, also making the most of all of its benefits it has into helping me aid my career in Musical Theatre. 

Task 1d: Flickr Account

So Today I made my first Flickr account. I already use an Instagram account and have for many years so for the sake of my Blog and to be exploring new platforms of Social Media and ways of practicing Professional Practice for my career I decided to learn a new skill on a new form of social media and go for a Flickr Account. All be it very similar to Instagram Flickr appears to have more options of viewing photos from Camera Roll, to Photo Stream, to Albums and Groups which alike Google + you can connect with other's on websites like this and share photos together maybe collectively on what you are trying to view and advertise as such.

From now on all photos taken from a professional basis I will upload on here and also attach my Flick account details to my blog and my Google+ page and see if it attracts extra interest in my Professional Career and development of my BAPP course.


Tory x

Monday 19 October 2015

Task 1b: Professional Communication Technologies... 1. Participation

IT has never been my strong point in life. To be perfectly honest I always loved hand writing. I'm a very creative being and in school we used to take hand writing lessons and I always took great pride in my presentation of work so in primary school where the use of typing homework was optional I always hand wrote... because I liked it but also because my mum isn't have a laptop or a computer so it wasn't practical for me for my home work. It was only when I went into Senior school that I really adapted to the use of the internet and how it affected me in my learning but also how it can contribute towards future forms of employment by learning key skills on microsoft for word and exel but also programs such as Sibellius which I used to use to "type" up my musicals compositions onto a computer to print prior to attending my lessons at music school on a weekend. 

Then growing up through senior school the social networking sites became awfully popular in terms of communication with friends out of school hours such as MSN, Bebo and Myspace which has then progressed onto the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in today's society. So despite completely and blissfully unaware of Web 2.0 it has been a very bit part of my life for the past 13 years and is very much so today. When i graduated sixth form a lot of my school friends, like myself, left home for pastures new at university or college and for us the likes of these forms o social networking sites have been vital for our use of communicating with each other on our day to day lives but also in terms of helping each other through work in our own territories. 

One of my best friends during university had to create a presentation to her tutor and deliver a lesson through the use of music. She was studying primary education for Special Needs, so not only is the content of the lesson plans vital to educate her students but also the way it is done. As soon as Music became a part of the lesson plan she was panicked and that night we had a conversation on Skype she could visually see me in order to help her with her situation. Considering she lives a seven hour drive away and through the use of one program we can visually share a cup of tea and enjoy a catch up as if she were sat right next to me really is incredible. I digress from my point....

As we are chatting away I come up with a melody for her song on my piano in my room and we discuss the topic of choice which was colours to create a song together that she was comfortable singing but also making sure it included all vital information needed. Once the song was written I then typed up the manuscript onto my computer and also recorded the song and backing track onto my garage band application I have on my Mac Book all in one evening and e-mailed it over to her so she had a master copy track to listen to; a copy to practice with and also she sheet music if she had anyone to accompany her if the use of a CD were not available in her classroom. Without the ability of Skype and also the use of Email and programs such as garage band which all seem so easily accessible in today's society none of that would of been possible in order to help my friend. So you ask is does Web 2.0 encourage participation in communication with each other... 100%. We today are very lucky to be have so many programmes and social networking sites in order to aid our day to day lives and I for one definitely do take them for granted, and even though at the moment I do use them primarily for ways of commuting with friends around the world, I believe doing this blog is opening my eyes to being able to use my capabilities of Web 2.0 to benefit my career and development in Professional Practice in Performing Arts.

Monday 12 October 2015

Task 1A Professional Profile:

Definition of Curriculum Vitae in English: noun: A brief account of a person's education, qualifications, and previous occupations, typically sent with a job application. 

A job, a key attribute in any person's life. It may be a paper round after school, as pocket money for treats with friends on a weekend. A part time job whilst studying at university, to help pay for rent or that train fare home to visit family. Or a full-time job, a career which one works through education from a young age, to finally be at a point in their lives when they are working full time in a job they have always dreamed about. To apply for a job, one needs a CV... where to begin? 

As I go to write about Task 1A: Professional Profile: I type in my documents folder of my laptop "Victoria Fawcett CV" and over 40 drafts of my CV appear before me. Where do I begin. I go to my first ever CV, one I constructed in year 9 at school in PSHE (Personal, Social and Health education) classes. This was my introduction as to what a CV should include and it's importance for future employment. 

Obviously at the age of 13 I had no job experience or even educational achievements to write down, it basically included my name, my address and point of contact and also what I was currently studying approaching to my GCSE's. However, throughout my time at school I did gain a lot of skills which would work towards my career and my CV a lot more than I thought at the time.

From the age of 13, I used to study at school Monday-Friday in Barrow-in-Furness. Attend at a Performing Arts Academy for three hours on a Friday evening studying singing, dancing and acting. Proceeding these lessons I then taught singing lessons to three young girls who also studied at the academy, which was my first ever point of employment, and one I loved doing. Every Saturday I used to travel to Manchester, a 2 hour drive from my home town, to study at the Junior Royal Northern College of Music having two principal studies of Singing and Piano. Finally, one Sunday a month I used to travel the 3 hour drive to Leeds to study as an Associates at a Professional Musical theatre college "Studio la Pointe (SLP)". Looking back on all this experience I gained throughout my extra curricular activities at school, it has given me a huge amount of life experience in the terms of my abilities within the performing arts and also self determination and management of my life.

Whilst in my first year at Italia Conti it occurred to me that I needed a part time job. I was 19 years old, now living in the most expensive city in the world and I needed to pay my way. Which then concluded to me writing my new CV, one that would have all the correct information needed for the skills were needed of the job role. I decided I was going to apply for a job in retail. Once I constructed my basic CV with really very little experience for employment in retail, I walked down the road to my nearest high street in London which happened to be Cheapside in St Paul's and walked into the first shop where I was interested in working, this store was Ted Baker. I walked in and asked if I would be able to speak to a manager, the lady who I was talking to said "You can speak to me if you would like to speak to a manager, how may I help?" I then went to ask if they had any part time job opportunities at the moment to which she replied: "Yes". We then were talking for approximately ten minutes about what I am studying as she had a keen interest in musical theatre herself and me and what skills I had. When our conversation came to a close I asked if she would like to take my CV and she said. I will take it for your file but I don't need to read it, I would like to offer you a job. I was delighted. A young girl with no previous employment history walked into a store I have always loved, spoke to a lady about me and my life and without the form of a CV, just through pure communication skills and my personality and I had a job! In this situation, my CV turned out to be highly unnecessary. My first impressions and interview on the spot earned me my job, but of course not all job applications work this way, especially not in my choice of career to be a professional performer in Musical Theatre. 

What do I do when my first impressions to a potential employer involve a piece of paper with my name at the top of it? How do I stand out from the crowd and prove that they would want to meet me in person?

Throughout my third year at college, we spent a lot of time doing theoretical work and working with our tutors and agent what the best layout for our CV was for potential future agent's and auditions and also our Spotlight profile's which to this day is important for any performer to have in order for casting directors and other professionals within the musical theatre industry to see what your capabilities are and are you right for the job. It is a cut throat industry, if your not right on paper in the first place you won't be seen for an interview or an audition its as simple as that. So where as in my "out of musical theatre work job" my communication skills in person are a real attribute, despite my talent my CV has to be perfect in order to gain interest for casting directors to notice me and want to see me for potential job opportunities. 

So how do I stand out:

1. Layout I feel is very important. Considering a job in Musical Theatre despite being about your performing abilities is also primarily about looks, if you don't fit the description of the job by your look then its immediately an employer will not consider you for the job. I feel a photograph/ headshot must be at the top of the page so the casting director is familiar with your physical attributes and whether your look is the right one for the job.

2. Moving along with layout next to your photo it is important to have your name, your playing age (as you may be able to play much younger or much older than you look), your height (also important for example if auditioning for a cruise, they may want all dancers to be above 5Ft 7), your nationality, Hair colour and length, Eye colour and also for me (primarily wanting work as a singer) my vocal range. Also where you have trained and finally point of contact whether that to be to you personally or to your agent.

3. The next section can be debatable in terms of whether to discuss your skills or your credits. Your skills will obviously show to your employer whether you have the essential technical attributes for the job and if you are worth being considered for an audition. However, this could also be identified by previous credits you may have worked in. For example: it may be you have played a part in a show very similar to the one you are auditioning for and immediately the casting director has an idea of your performance abilities. For me I have opted to put skills first as I believe I have gained more skills throughout my training which are worth considering before my credits.

4. Finally, as stated above my Cv ends with credits of everything I have achieved and performed in throughout my professional career. 

Over the last year my professional career has taken a holt due to family health issues which have alternatively led me to take a step back in my career. I understand that my CV as it stands now is very basic but I believe it meets the criteria needed of a job at the moment. Throughout the duration of this course I hope to be able to create a successful online profile of myself including a new Spotlight page which will include video and voice links of my song and dance abilities and also explore sites such as youtube to further document my talents in order to portray across to a potential employer that my talents aren't just written on paper. 

There are so many ways advertise oneself through the use of social media and the internet and I believe this is something I can achieve throughout this course to bring myself back up to where I should be in the musical theatre industry and gain employment in a job I have always dreamed of. 

Please find my CV attached below, any thoughts on comments of ways I can improve my CV would be much appreciated.


Friday 2 October 2015

My first ever blog ...

So this is my first ever blog... And post... Not sure how it all works but I'm using this to post about my university course I am currently doing in Professional Practice (Arts). 

This course is a continuation from a diploma that I have previously done in Musical Theatre at Italia Conti Academy of a Theatre Arts. I graduated from here in July 2014 and I'm currently working at Ted Baker alongside auditions and completing this degree. It's going to be a busy year but I'm ready to get it done and finally be able to say I have a degree!! 

Anyways gave a good day :)

First post... Done.